Temple B'nai Abraham
a Reconstructionist Synagogue
The Reconstructionist Jewish Congregation in Bordentown, NJ
B'nai Mitzvah
You and your child are beginning an exciting and sometimes challenging journey. The goal is to help make the process of becoming a B’nai Mitzvah as meaningful as possible for your child, and hopefully for you as well!
Our Religious School students work toward achieving their B’nai Mitzvah, some starting with Sunday School at age 5! However, Temple B’nai Abraham welcomes families with children of any age and experience looking to become a B’nai Mitzvah. We welcome interfaith families and students of all levels and can work with you to accommodate your family’s specific needs. Our warm, one room school house environment nurtures Hebrew learners and encourages our teens to continue their religious education post B’nai Mitzvah.
Students studying for their B’nai Mitzvah will receive tutoring from the rabbi and from volunteers in our congregation. The focus during this time will be on review of key prayers, and students will receive assistance with their individual Torah portions. However, there is not a set B’nai Mitzvah format. The rabbi will work with each student individually to create a B’nai Mitzvah ceremony unique to their needs and abilities.
The B’nai Mitzvah must regularly attend school and both the student and parent(s) are expected to regularly attend religious services. All dues and fees must be paid before a child will be granted a B’nai Mitzvah ceremony. For further information please contact the temple president at president@bnai-abraham.org or our rabbi at rabbijulie@bnai-abraham.org.